Pinterest でビジネスを拡大する

Pinterest は、人々が新しいアイデアを見つけ、計画を立て、ショッピングをするためのプラットフォームです。Pinterest アドなら、ユーザージャーニーのあらゆる段階でオーディエンスにリーチできます。無料のビジネスアカウントに登録して、Pinterest アドや他のマーケティングツールを活用しましょう。


2025 年注目のトレンドを先取り

ドーリーライフ、クリームソーダ革命、ゴールド・パワー、キャッスル・コア、カオス・ケーキ、オーラ・ビューティー、シュルレアリスム・パーティー、バイカー・ボヘミアンといった、2025 Pinterest Predicts トレンドを表すカラフルなポスターのコラージュ。


ピンクのセロファンラッパーの背景の上に表示されている 3 つのピン、セールボタン、Performance+ ボタン。中央の画像はホットピンクのドレスを着た女性。左の画像はレコードプレーヤーで、右の画像は果実が飾られた花瓶。

Pinterest の最新ニュース

Pinterest Performance+ の
AI と自動化におまかせ 


ユーザーが Pinterest を利用する理由の第 1 位は、「新しい商品やブランドを探すため」1

Pinterest アドはユーザーの関心を引く"コンテンツ"

Pinterest ユーザーは他のプラットフォームのユーザーに比べて、「Pinterest では自分に関連のある広告が表示される」と回答する割合が高くなっています2Pinterest ユーザーは、新しい商品やブランドを積極的に探しているため、広告を役に立つコンテンツとして自然に受け入れています。



成果をもたらす Pinterest アド

iRobot、LEGO、Warner Bros. Japan など多くのブランドが、Pinterest を活用して目標を達成しています。ブランドの成功事例をチェックして、さまざまなキャンペーン目的で成果を上げるためのヒントをご覧ください。

Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.





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Pinterest Academy は、Pinterest のエキスパートがさまざまなトピックについて詳しく解説するトレーニングを提供しています。コースの受講やウェビナーの視聴に加え、習得したスキルを証明するバッジも獲得できます。広告キャンペーンの効果を向上させて、大きな成功を掴みましょう。


初めて Pinterest アドをご利用になる方を対象にした個別サポートをご用意しています。ニーズに合わせて、ビジネスの拡大に役立つさまざまな情報を提供します。






ビジネスアカウントでは、広告やアナリティクスなど便利なツールにアクセスできます。こうしたビジネス用ツールは、一般向けの Pinterest 個人アカウントではご利用になれません。Pinterest をマーケティングに活用する場合は、ビジネスアカウントをお使いください。すでに個人アカウントをお持ちの場合、簡単にビジネスアカウントへ切り替えられます。個人アカウントとビジネスアカウントを分けたい場合は、ビジネスアカウントを新規作成できます。

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Pinterest では、プラットフォームのさまざまなエリアにショッピング機能が組み込まれています。そのため、ブランドの商品や広告は、ユーザー体験を邪魔することなく、コンテンツとしてフィードに溶け込みます。ショッピングアドとプロダクトの詳細については、Pinterest ショッピングページをご覧ください。